IntroductionIn the dynamic world of corporate transactions, Share Purchase Agreements (SPAs) are pivotal documents that define the terms and conditions under which shares of a company are bought and sold
Permanent Residence by Investment in Cyprus: Updated Criteria Following Amendments Introduced on May 2nd 2023
The Council of Ministers has approved the Ministry of Interior’s proposal to revise the criteria for granting permanent residency to investors under Regulation 6(2) of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations. The aim of the revision is to introduce control mechanisms to ensure that the applicant retains their investment for life and to address observed shortcomings. The revised criteria will come into effect from May 2, 2023.
Non-EU applicants can be granted Permanent Residency permits if they meet one of the investment criteria listed below……..
Cyprus residence and work permits – Foreign Interest Companies
Eligible businesses
A company will be eligible to be registered as a Cyprus company of foreign interest if it satisfies one of the following criterial:
The majority of the company’s shares are owned by third-country nationals…